“I’m here to show you what’s special about yourself, your relationships, and your community.”

— Yours truly, Erin Ninehouser, the wife, cat Mom (x4), Springsteen fan, advocate, and goofball behind Rustbelt Mayberry

how a camera found its way into my hands…

Documentary photography has had my heart from the moment I picked up a camera in high school more than two decades ago.

Searching for a way to understand the world around me - the grief, the joy, the stillness, the chaos - was so much easier through the viewfinder of my little camera.

At first, I photographed scenes in my hometown of New Castle, PA, places and moments that were full of emotion, almost longing to be seen.

And then I worked up the courage to begin photographing people - my parents, grandparents, friends, pets, and future husband:

Not a single one of these old photos is technically perfect,

but they are absolute treasures that become more valuable with each passing year.

They connect me to those precious people and the experiences we share, even after some of them have passed away. This is why capturing your memories is so urgently important to me.

Woman in her fifties sits beside her dad, in his eighties, and pretend like they're fishing at a nursing home in New Castle, PA.

My Grandpa, Poppy, loved to go fishing with Mom, Charlene. They’re reunited once again.

Community & Non-Profit Storytelling

Photography has been a life-changing gift for me to receive, and one that I’m so grateful to be able to give to others, not just through weddings, but also in the storytelling work I do for non-profits and causes of justice, which is another lifelong passion.

A few of the organizations and causes I’ve partnered with:

visit beaver county


heart & soul


the genesis collective




Ambridge connection


aclu of pennsylvania


undivided in christ beaver county


Trinity School for Ministry


The Cornerstone of Beaver County


Beaver County Democratic Committee


Beaver County Community and Law Enforcement Coalition


Neighborhood North


equip books


Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh


Avonworth Pool


E2 Solar Projects


Beaver County United


coach Mycyk girls flag football

visit beaver county 〰️ heart & soul 〰️ the genesis collective 〰️ riverwise 〰️ Ambridge connection 〰️ aclu of pennsylvania 〰️ undivided in christ beaver county 〰️ Trinity School for Ministry 〰️ The Cornerstone of Beaver County 〰️ Beaver County Democratic Committee 〰️ Beaver County Community and Law Enforcement Coalition 〰️ Neighborhood North 〰️ equip books 〰️ Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh 〰️ Avonworth Pool 〰️ E2 Solar Projects 〰️ Beaver County United 〰️ coach Mycyk girls flag football

I believe each of us has the power to make the road a little easier for those who walk alongside us, and those who will come after us.

Part of that mission for me means helping people discover how rich their lives already are through the beautiful relationships they’ve nurtured and the impact they’ve had on the world around them.

That’s my heart, which belongs to my husband Dave and our four cat children: Frankie (seen here), Beans, Callie, and Sergeant Squeaks.

Man holds white and caramel colored cat in front of his face.
A logo of the Professional Photographers of America.

professional photog since 2016

I’ve been making portraits, photographing weddings, and covering events for 6+ years.

A logo for Two Mann Studios professional education course Metanoia / Two Mann U

diversity of experience

I’ve photographed hundreds of events: large, small, indoors, outside, in any/all conditions!

A logo for the Wedding Photojournalist Association

trusted by other professionals

I am in-demand to “second shoot” for wedding photogs who want a great partner.

A logo of the Flourish Academy Elevate Program

big investments = best work

I invest a ton of time and money in education in the art and business of photography to give my clients the very best experience and images.

Photographer Erin Ninehouser of Rustbelt Mayberry smiles for a photo with one of her favorite wedding couples after an epic celebration at The Fez in Aliquippa, PA.

time to focus on my couples

I limit the number of weddings I photograph each month to make sure I give my couples 1000% of my focus, presence and energy.

A logo for the Pittsburgh Three Rivers Arts Festival

Recognized for artistry

I was honored as an “Emerging Artist” at the Three Rivers Arts Festival in Pittsburgh, PA, and regularly contribute work to print and online publications.